I am a professor at Chalmers Technical University, Sweden, Department of Technology Management and Economics, Division of Service Management and Logistics.

My background is in Business Administration (MSc) and Business Informatics (BSc) from the Netherlands and Sweden. I conducted my licentiate degree at Lund University, Sweden and my PhD and Post-Doc in Management & Organisation at Groningen University, The Netherlands.
I have worked for Blekinge Technical University (Sweden), Groningen University (the Netherlands) and Aalto University of Science (Finland) and I have been a visiting scholar at Stanford University, USA (2007-2010), Helsinki Business School in Helsinki, Finland (2006) and the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
I am married to Jan, who is a full professor at Chalmers University, Sweden, and a full Professor of Software Engineering at Groningen university (the Netherlands). I am a mother of three wonderful boys, David, Nathan and the youngest Adam.
Next to spending time and having fun with my family, I love to hike in mountains, travel, and a hobby is photography.